DC208001 IDMS retrieval job abending with abend with code 1117
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DC208001 IDMS retrieval job abending with abend with code 1117


Article ID: 45708


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Batch retrieval-only program receive an 1117 abend:

  +IDMS DC208001 IDMS job abending with abend code 1117

  +IDMS DC208001 #ABEND from Module IDMSDBMS at Location 1BC63000 Offset 003614

Then after a few minutes the same program was run again and it ran fine:

Program does no updates - only reads are performed.   


IDMS - all supported releases


 This abend can be caused as a byproduct of the Retrieval Nolock specification, where a transaction was reading a record while another transaction was updating it. 

This is only the case if the transaction is RETRIEVAL only, and RETRIEVAL NOLOCK is specified in the sysgen.  A DBAN can be run to verify no corruption in the database exists.



Optional bit 316 can be turned on to return an error status nn57 if a Retrieval transaction encounters 1117 abend:


An 1117 abend from IDMS typically indicates some problem has been detected while attempting to reconstruct a fragmented variable length record.

These abends can occur during the execution of a retrieval transaction being run within a CV when concurrent update activity is occurring and the CV's sysgen contains the RETRIEVAL NOLOCK option. In these cases no real database corruption may exist and the failing transaction can be immediately rerun.

Similar database abends can be optionally returned to the calling program as a database minor code of 57 instead of an abend. This allows the program to automatically initiate the restarting of the database transaction. 1117 abends may now return a minor code of 57 instead of abending by defining the following optional apar bit in module RHDCOPTF.


This will allow your program to check for a 57 minor status and handle that within the program. This would prevent the abends from occurring. This optional bit was

introduced in release 18.0 thru ptf RO41047.