SQL -305 executing Database Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS in program RAAUSUBP
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SQL -305 executing Database Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS in program RAAUSUBP


Article ID: 4568


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Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


SQL-305 detected in Database Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PDA) program RAAUSUBP. This may also happen in RAACATB or RAAUBD8
There is no error message in the PDA job, however the SQL-305 is seen in e.g. Detector for Db2 for Z/OS


This can happen during action processing when processing a LOB tablespace with Parmlib option SPACE_SYM_SOURCE(AUTO_PDA)
or (PDA) when PDA stats have not been collected at least once.


This is NOT an error. PDA detects and deals with the SQL-305. It is an expected SQL code and PDA detects it.

If the SQL-305 is desired not to occur, consider changing the hlq.CDBAPARM(PDS) parameter SPACE_SYM_SOURCE to either (AUTO_RTS) or (RTS) to avoid accessing the PDA stats tables during action processing.   Another option would be to collect at least one set of PDA stats for the LOB objects but keep in mind with this option that over time the PDA stats may no longer accurately represent the current space utilization of the LOB unless PDA stats are refreshed periodically.   


This is the parm including the options available:

SPACE_SYM_SOURCE (AUTO_PDA)         /* Primary source for setting  */
                                    /* space-related symbolics.    */
                                    /* PDA = Use PDA stats tables  */
                                    /*   for both conditional and  */
                                    /*   unconditional actions.    */
                                    /* RTS = Use DB2 RTS tables    */
                                    /*   for both conditional and  */
                                    /*   unconditional actions.    */
                                    /*   Also consider using:      */
                                    /*   SHOW_PDA_ACT_CONDS (N) to */
                                    /*   remove PDA action conds   */
                                    /*   from the display.         */
                                    /* AUTO_PDA = Automatically    */
                                    /*   determined based on type  */
                                    /*   of condition(s) selected. */
                                    /*   Unconditional actions     */
                                    /*   will use PDA stats tables.*/
                                    /*   Default setting.          */
                                    /* AUTO_RTS = Same as AUTO_PDA */
                                    /*   except when unconditional */
                                    /*   actions RTS tables used.  */
                                    /*   Recommended for RTS users.*/
                                    /*   Also consider using:      */
                                    /*   SHOW_PDA_ACT_CONDS (N) to */
                                    /*   remove PDA action conds   */
                                    /*   from the display.         */
                                    /* When PDA or RTS stats not   */
                                    /* available for an object,    */
                                    /* DB2 catalog will be used.   */

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