Running Web Agent, the Password Services aren't localized as expected.
When I'm selecting Thai language, everything is coming in Thai
except the reason for change password which is coming in another
language other than Thai.
On a "change password page" you can see the below:
Password Change Request (Thai language)
"your password change was not accepted." comes in Thai Language.
But "Your password must contain minimum 8 characters." appears in english.
The issue has been caused by the fact that you were using your customized
.fcc files from former version 12.5, with the new internationalization
feature from 12.52SP1. But you shouldn't use both at the same time.
- Use your customized .fcc files, but disable the localization
by setting ACO Localization to no;
- Use the out of the box .fcc files, but enable the out of the
box internationalization feature by setting ACO Localization to yes;
From documentation :
Disable Internationalization to Use Customized FCCs from Upgraded Agents
Versions Prior to 12.51
The default internationalization support introduced in 12.51
agents prevents customized FCCs created for use with agent
versions prior to 12.51 from working upon upgrade. If you
have upgraded such an agent and want to continue using your
customized FCCs, disable agent internationalization using the
Localization agent configuration parameter.
Important! Disabling agent internationalization prevents the
use of all forms supplied with the new agent and disables all
other agent internationalization features. For a longer term
solution, we recommend migrating your existing FCCs to work on
an internationalized agent and reenabling agent internationalization.
For more information, see FCC Internationalization.