If the Host Configuration tab is grayed out or there are "Different Type Model" alarms in the CA Spectrum OneClick GUI, check to see if the device is certified:
If it is not certified, but is very similar to or the same as other devices that are certified, then you may be able to work around this depending on the device. The Host Configuration
functionality is not available on the "generic" modeltypes such as the GnSNMPDev and/or GnCisocDev. When you model a device that is not certified in Spectrum, Spectrum will
select one of the generic modeltypes. If you change the modeltype to one of the "enhanced" modeltypes like SwCiscoIOS or CiscoNXOS, assuming all other prerequisites of NCM
are met, the Host Configuration will be enabled. For example, if you have a Cisco Nexus device that has not been certified in Spectrum and is modeled as the GnSNMPDev modeltype
but the standard Cisco Nexus firmware is running, then most likely you can change the modeltype to the CiscoNXOS and Host Configuration will now work.
This only works for:
1. Devices that are of a similar type
2. Devices that have an enhanced model type in Spectrum
3. The device meets the mib criteria of NCM
Release: Any
Use the Device Certification utility and change the mapping of the System Object ID to use an enhanced model type.
Here is an example of how to change a Cisco Nexus device modeled as a GnSNMPDev to be a CiscoNXOS.
To do this:
To run the NewMM.pl Script:
The script will search the SSdb database for existing GnSNMPDev models with the System OID, and report back any models found that are
eligible for conversion, and ask if you want to convert them. Enter "y" to continue with the conversion or "n" to exit out.
The script will create a log file for the conversion. The file name will be something like NewMM_log_<month>_<day>_<year>_<hour>_<min>_<sec>_<AM/PM>.
You can review the log to see what models were converted if needed.
Repeat for any other modified System Object IDs.