Without CA OM Web Viewer and CA View 12.2, Can a CA View Report be Downloaded to a PC?
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Without CA OM Web Viewer and CA View 12.2, Can a CA View Report be Downloaded to a PC?


Article ID: 45638


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Deliver View



With no CA OM Web Viewer and having CA View at a level less than 12.2, can a CA View report be downloaded to a PC?



 . With CA OM Web Viewer, you can download a report to a PC.

 . With CA View 12.2 (and higher), you can email a report to a recipient.

 . With CA Deliver, you can email a report (when it is processed) to a recipient.


 . With no Web Viewer or View at less than 12.2, the only available procedure to download a report to a PC is:

 . . Run the SARBCH utility, with "/LOAD ... DDNAME=...", to write a View report to a mainframe physical-sequential file. 

 . . Download the mainframe file to a PC.



Release: OUTDTI00200-12.1-Deliver-Output Management-Interface for Native TSO