Restoring to a different user/minidisk.
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Restoring to a different user/minidisk.


Article ID: 45567


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VM:Backup for z/VM


Need to restore some CMS minidisks that have been backed up for one user, and restore those disks to different user IDs and minidisks; restore them to a different minidisk/location.   How can we accomplish that?



VM:Backup, all releases



You  can create a restore template and an MDSKLIST file and then specify MDSKLIST on the VMBACKUP SUBMIT command.


Let's call your MDSKLIST file, RESTORE MDSKLIST, and this file will reside on the job submitter's A-disk. 



USERA A00 NEWUSER A00 USERA 901 NEWUSER 901 USERA A01 NEWUSER A01 ...and so on....

Create a restore template specifying the user IDs.  Then include the MDSKLIST with the new user ID and minidisks.  You can use this list as input to a restore job by specifying it on the MDSKLIST option of the SUBMIT command.  The restore job will restore the listed minidisks and ignore the input guidelines specified in the restore job template.  


Additionally, you can use the MDSKLIST command to scan the CP directory and create a list of minidisks defined  on a specified DASD volume. 





Additional Information

Refer to the SUBMIT and MDSKLIST commands in the VM:Backup System Programmer's Reference for more information.