Broadcom Support asked that I provide Java Heap and Core dumps. How do I produce Java Heap and Core dumps from a USS Tomcat Started task?
Broadcom support, often Sustaining Engineering (SE), may ask you to send Java Heap and Core dumps for analysis. This is not routine. You should produce these dumps only if/when Support requests them.
Output Management Web Viewer™ 12.1 for USS
Add the following IJO=$IJO entries in the JCL/PROC
IJO="$IJO -Xdump:heap+java:events=vmstop,request=exclusive+prepwalk"
IJO="$IJO -Xdump:directory=<directory under current mount point>”
Example – IJO=”$IJO -Xdump:directory=/CA31/u/users/omdev/apps/dumps"
Make sure you have the following EXPORT commands – in addition to standard ones like export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS="$IJO "
When you stop the task, use the command
/p <Tomcat STC name>