New CABI component is not working on new install
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New CABI component is not working on new install


Article ID: 4551


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When accessing the URL for the CABI server, you receive a 404 error. In the cabi logs you see the following:

Oct 19 09:21:58:522 [UserSynchronizationThread, cabi] JasperUserUtility:login(): URL attempted :
Oct 19 09:21:58:522 [UserSynchronizationThread, cabi] JasperUserUtility:login(): Response code :404
Oct 19 09:21:58:522 [UserSynchronizationThread, cabi] UimToJasperUserSync():

You can't log into CABI. You've tried all the known passwords.


  • Windows
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Bundled cabi 3.00


The superuser password was changed or is corrupted.


  1. Delete the cabi probe and wasp in Admin Console 2 from the robot on which cabi is installed.
  2. On the filesystem of the cabi robot delete the following:
    • <nimsoft home>\cabi
    • <nimsoft home>\probes\service\cabi
    • <nimsoft home>\probes\service\wasp
  3. On the UIM database, drop all the tables that CABI puts down to start fresh (sql script attached)
  4. Reinstall CABI.

Additional Information

drop_cabi_tables.sql is attached to this article.


1640720201306__drop_cabi_tables.sql get_app