Client Automation - Information stored in each folders in the Scalability Server ServerDB folder.
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Client Automation - Information stored in each folders in the Scalability Server ServerDB folder.


Article ID: 45490


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CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


What information is stored in each folders in the Scalability Server ServerDB folder.




CA Client Automation - All Versions


The ..CA\DSM\ServerDB holds a lot of information (mostly temporary). 

Most of the information is downloaded from the Domain Manager or uploaded from the Agents so in most cases the folder can deleted and the data 
will be restored when CAF is recycled.
Below are all the Directories and Sub Directories Under ServerDB and what information is located under them:
Common            Stores a copy of the ‘basic’ inventory, and registration details.
                          Can be used to re-register all Agents, and rebuild basic inventory (cserver clone command).
                          Useful for moving Scalability Servers between Domains.
                          Data is stored compressed/encrypted, ‘cserver dump’ command provides readable view of all data.

                  Collect            Uncollected registration/basic inventory is stored here

                  Master            Previously collected data is stored here. ‘cserver clone’ command copies this data into ‘Collect’ directory for re-collection


Metering        Holds data for Software Metering 


RC                  Holds temporary information on Remote Control connections  



                Backup                   No longer used.

                Collect                    Inventory Files from the Agents  

                Index                      Internal usage for data organisation

                Job                         Keeps records of all AM Jobs and their schedules to be run on each computer

                Module                   Keeps records of which Inventory Modules and their schedules to be run on each computer

                New                        Keeps the information of new UNIT/ agent registration .

                SSFU                       UNIX/Linux  Signature Files

                SSFW                      Windows  Signature Files

                StatJob                   Keeps Job Status records

                StatMod                  Keeps Module Status records

                T-Stamp                 Keeps Unit collection time stamp records

                UNIT                      Keeps details on Computers/Users belonging to this SS


SWJORDER            Active SD jobs - they should be purged when each agent gets the SD job.