How to download PDSMAN PTFs since the PTF Bucket is no longer maintained.
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How to download PDSMAN PTFs since the PTF Bucket is no longer maintained.


Article ID: 45462


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CA PDSMAN maintenance has been available using multiple methods.  One form, the PTF Bucket, is being phased out as of September 15th 2016.   After September 15, 2016, CA PDSMAN product maintenance will only be available using CA’s standardized methods for delivering CA product maintenance:

   1. CA Chorus Software Manger (CSM) 

   2. CA Support Online (CSO) Download Center 






Using Chorus Software Manager (CSM) procedures :

Please click on the following link for more information about the Chorus Software Management methodology, how to acquire, install, maintain and deploy mainframe software:


Using (CSO) download procedures:

As an alternative to the CA PDSMAN PTF Bucket, the Download Center enables you to order all CA PDSMAN solutions and have them packaged into a single file on a FTP server.

Your local z/OS host system can download and breakout the CA PDSMAN PTFs from this file.  You will need to use FTP and CA’s CAUNZIP utility.  See Additional Information at the bottom of this document for details on CAUNZIP.

Here are the steps you will need to use:

- Logon to CSO

    • Hover cursor over 'Download Center' and click the 'Download Solution' link.

    • See 'Download Center' page.

          1.    Click on the dropdown box under 'Select a Product'

          a.       type PDSM

          b.     click on CA PDSMAN

    2.       Click on the dropdown box under 'Select a Release'

          a.       select 7.7

    3.       Click 'CA PDSMAN for OS/390 within the box under 'Select a Component(s)'

          a.       'select all' should be unchecked

    4.       Click OS within the 'Operating System' dropdown box

    5.       Ensure 'Select a Gen Level' dropbox shows '0000'

    6.       Leave 'Enter High Fix' blank 

    7.       For 'Confirmed since', specify 01/01/2010

    8.       Specify 100 in the 'Results per page dropdown box  (This keeps the number of pages to a minimum.)

    9.     Click GO

      • See 'Published Solutions Downloads'     

   1.       The number of 'Matches' (in the middle of the page) shows 1-100

   2.       Click  'Add All to Cart (per page)' - is located on the right side of the page

   3.       Click green right arrow that is after the '1-100 ' located in middle of the page, under 'Matches'

         4.       The number of 'Matches' now starts at 101

         5.       Click 'Add All to Cart (per page)' - is on the right side of the page

         6.       Repeat 'click green arrow' & click 'Add All' - until there is no right green arrow following number of matches

      • Click 'View Download Cart' - on right side

         1.       See 'My Download Cart' page

         2.       Scroll down to bottom of page; see 'Checkout'

         3.       Fill in correct email address

         4.       Click the blue 'checkout' button

         5.       See the 'Download Package Details'page

         6.       Ensure 'Do you want a complete package for all?' specifies Yes

         7.       Click blue 'Continue' button

      • See 'Review Download Requests'

         1.       'Today's Downloads' should have entry indicating 'In Process'

         2.       Wait to receive email indicating Download cart is ready

         3.       Click on link in email; you will have to log on to CSO if not still logged in

      • Tailor your local FTP job using the 'Alternate FTP' information and run to download the zip package to your local USS environment, usually named 

                Note: 'Preferred FTP' does not provide a zip file, only individual files which CAUNZIP cannot use

     • Tailor and run your local CAUNZIP job to breakout the zip package and create SMPPTFIN within your local USS environment

     •  Run local SMP/e APPLY which uses the files created by CAUNZIP

                – SMP/e will ignore any PTFs that are already applied so there is no reason to be selective, just APPLY them all.

     •  Here is a sample SMP/E JCL to be tailored:

          //*    sample SMP/E using FROMNTS


         //SMPCSI   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.PDSMAN.product.SMPE.GLOBAL.CSI   

         //SMPOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                              

         //SMPRPT   DD SYSOUT=*                                              

         //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                              

         //SMPJHOME DD PATHDISP=KEEP,                                        

         //   PATH='/ your local JAVA path /'                 

         //SMPNTS   DD PATHDISP=KEEP,                                        

         //   PATH='/ you local path to directory CAUNZIP created /'                                

         //SMPCNTL  DD *                                                     

            SET BOUNDARY(GLOBAL) .                                           

            RECEIVE FROMNTS(SMPNTS)                                          





            SET BDY(CAIT0).                                                  







Additional Information:

For non-CA CSM users, we offer a CAUNZIP utility to simplify maintenance management. CAUNZIP is a TSO utility that extracts the contents of a Published Solutions maintenance package order from the Download Center on CA Support Online. This utility lets you process zip-format packages directly on z/OS without the need for an intermediate platform such as a Windows workstation. The utility extracts the contents of the order and produces a Network Temporary Store (NTS) formatted set of z/OS UNIX files. These files can be used for SMP/E RECEIVE processing. 

CAUNZIP is easy to use because it automates separating files (PTFs and informational PTFs) and preparating for SMP/e processing.

For CAUNZIP, FTP information and sample JCL, refer to link:






Release: PDSMA100200-7.7-PDSMAN-PDS Library Management-ONE COMPONENT