Does the GUI portion of Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) work with JBOSS, as opposed to the recommended Tomcat server?
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Does the GUI portion of Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) work with JBOSS, as opposed to the recommended Tomcat server?


Article ID: 45427


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Mainframe Application Tuner


Does the GUI portion of CA Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) work with JBOSS, as opposed to the recommended Tomcat server?



Component: MATUNE


There are two answers to this actually: 

1) Unfortunately MAT hasn't tested the GUI with JBOSS.  MAT cannot run in an unmodified JBOSS at this time, because the GUI uses specific USS environment settings (especially a set of Java parameters passed to the JVM on startup).  If you are willing to try to experiment, CA can give you instructions on how to set these parameters, which in theory could let you run the MAT GUI on a customized JBOSS, but we cannot guarantee it will work correctly without proper testing.

2) If you are willing to wait, the GA release of MAT 11.0 (CA MAT 11.0 increment 3) will be able to run without any of these MAT-specific startup settings, allowing it to be deployed like any standard web application.  The MAT 11.0 GA release is currently planned for October 2016.

The settings needed to run the MAT web apps are in the CEESISPO, CEESJAVA, CEESUOPT and CEESOPTS members of the MATHLQ.UTRPARM library generated during product customization (meaning either CSM configuration with GUI component included, or TRCUST step 16).  To use these, we normally copy these into a temporary dataset that is the used in the STDENV DD statement when starting the Tomcat server.  You can see that in MATHLQ.UTRSAMP(CEESERVR).  We feel this is not ideal, and as mentioned we are currently reworking this in MAT 11.0.

You will also need the JNI binaries.  These need to be put into a folder that is included on the PATH.  That means, the folder containing the binaries needs to be included in the PATH environmental variable set as part of STDENV.  If using our generated members this would be done in CEESOPTS around line 65.  The access rights need to allow execute access to the binaries, and you need to have the 'program controlled' bit set on (for example using commands like "exattr +p CAVHMT64").