What are the requirements for a device to be placed into the Spectrum Configuration Manager "CISCO IOS - SSH Capable" Device Family?
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What are the requirements for a device to be placed into the Spectrum Configuration Manager "CISCO IOS - SSH Capable" Device Family?


Article ID: 45330


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


What are the requirements for a device to be placed into the Spectrum Configuration Manager "CISCO IOS - SSH Capable" Device Family seen in the Explorer tab of the Navigation panel? 



Release: Any


To place a device into the Cisco IOS - SSH Capable family, the following conditions must be met: 


  • The device descriptor must indicate a firmware version of 12.2 (18) or greater. 
  • The feature set must contain letters "K9" indicating the device has the necessary encryption functionality that is needed for SCP. 
  • SSH access for the device must be unblocked at the time of discovery.

Additional Information

See: Network Configuration Manager Extension Utility

Note some devices may have 9k in the sysDescr instead of K9,

See the note on that page:

"Add cisco_ssh_check=9K in the <SPECROOT>/SS/.vnrmc file and restart the SpectroSERVER, to place the Cisco 9300 series devices in the correct device family."

This can apply to other cisco device families as well.