Using the ACFRPTPP report, what reports are generated using that?
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Using the ACFRPTPP report, what reports are generated using that?


Article ID: 45270


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Using the ACFRPTPP report, what reports are generated using that?


Component: ACF2MS


ACFRPTPP creates intermediate files identified by ddnames that begin with the characters SMF. Use these files to collect any combination of SMF records desired. Use these files as input to sort procedures, CA ACF2 report generators, and user-developed programs.

The following standard files are CA ACF2-defined:

         DDNAME              DESCRIPTION                                                                    ACF2 REPORT NAME

  • SMFAR-Rule database modification journal records                                 ACFRPTRL - Rule-ID Modification Log
  • SMFDA-MLS Dirauth event records                                                        ACFRPTDA - MLS DIRAUTH Event Log
  • SMFCR-TSO command trace records                                                      ACFRPTCR - TSO Command Statistics Log
  • SMFDR-data set and program area records                                            ACFRPTDS - Data Set/Program Event Log
  • SMFDR1-data set access logging records                                               ACFRPTDS - Data Set/Program Event Log
  • SMFDR2-data set access violation records                                             ACFRPTDS - Data Set/Program Event Log
  • SMFDR3-data set access trace records                                                  ACFRPTDS - Data Set/Program Event Log
  • SMFDR4-program access violation and logging records                          ACFRPTDS - Data Set/Program Event Log
  • SMFER-Infostorage database modification journal records                     ACFRPTEL - Infostorage Update Log
  • SMFFLT-flat file records for CA Earl processing                                      See Reporting with CA Earl in the manual
  • SMFJR-Logonid database modification journal records                           ACFRPTLL - Logonid Modification Log                          
  • SMFNR-environment records                                                               ACFRPTNV - The Environment Report
  • SMFOR-USS records                                                                           ACFRPTOM - UNIX System Services (USS) Report
  • SMFPR-system entry violation records                                                  ACFRPTPW - Invalid Password/Authority Log
  • SMFSR-System Authorization Facility (SAF) trace event records             ACFRPTST-The SAF Trace Report
  • SMFTR-restricted logonid journal records                                             ACFRPTJL - Restricted Logonid Job Log
  • SMFVR-generalized resource facility (GRF) event journal records           ACFRPTRV - Resource Event Log
  • SMFZR-DDB journal records                                                                See Reporting with CA Earl in the manual