Datacom/AD Version 15.1 active upgrade was successful, but any subsequent attempt to access my other Broadcom Mainframe product's data such as a DBUTLTY BACKUP for CA11 fails with:
DB01410E - DATA SET NAME WRONG CXXNAME DSN601 my.existing.dsn.DSN601
DB00501E - OPEN ERROR - RETURN CODE 76 (013) CXX=cxxname (DSN00601)
The Datacom/AD 15.1 Multi-user (MUF) log shows:
Upgrade job INSTJCL(AXACTUPG) STEP2A assembly of the custom module DBSIDPR specified "FORCE_DSN_CXXNAME=YES".
With "FORCE_DSN_CXXNAME=YES", the CXXNAME is enforced and requires that every data set that Datacom opens has the CXXNAME as a DSN node.
With 'FORCE_DSN_CXXNAME=NO' the CXXNAME name is not enforced as a node in the DSN.
In job AXACTUPG, perform the following: