TC69CREQ and TUNC definitions don't match after upgrading to CICS 5.2. What can I do to resolve this?
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TC69CREQ and TUNC definitions don't match after upgrading to CICS 5.2. What can I do to resolve this?


Article ID: 45223


Updated On:


Mainframe Application Tuner


TC69CREQ and TUNC definitions don't match after upgrading to CICS 5.2.  What can I do to resolve this?

Upgrading to CICS 5.2 and receiving the following error for Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT).

DFHPG0209 ... CICSPTA2 OPER TUNC Resource definition for TC69CREQ has been autoinstalled using model DFHPGAPG.

DFHAP1226 ... CICSPTA2 Program TC69CREQ is defined as EXECKEY(USER) but transaction TUNC as TASKDATAKEY(CICS): these attributes are incompatible.



Component: MATUNE


Run the job TNCSDUP$ found in the UTRSAMP dataset which creates all the CSD entries required.

After the job was run the error messages were fixed.