XRESTORE command
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XRESTORE command


Article ID: 45220


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VM:Backup for z/VM


Is there a linemode command to restore files that were backed up in an SFS directory? 




VM:Backup, all releases



Yes, you can use the XRESTORE command to select files you want to restore from minidisks or directories.



You can use the XRESTORE command to specify files that are backed up from minidisks and SFS directories.

You can use the XRESTORE command to restore files only from a catalog with file-level detail.

You can use the XRESTORE command to restore a deleted file space from a catalog with either file-level or domain-level detail.

You cannot use the XRESTORE command to restore from an encrypted backup.


The XRESTORE command lets you:

  • Specify the criteria that CA VM:Backup uses to select the files that it restores.
  • Tell CA VM:Backup where to restore your files.
  • Tell CA VM:Backup where to send the restore selection list; for example, your terminal, a printer, or your A-disk.
  • Restore a deleted file space.