How to enable Auto Creation of Home Directories:
The only mechanism that will create a Home directory when OMVS is entered is the Automount facility.
If you will have a number of new users, then you could set up Automount and use a different path for their HOME directories ( e.g. /home ) instead of /u .
Then Automount will dynamically create a separate ZFS for each user and create a mount point of /home/userid and mount the ZFS for you.
Implementing Automount for home directories:
File: /etc/auto.master
/home /etc/
File: /etc/
name *
type ZFS
Filesystem <uc_name> .OMVS.HOME.&SYSNAME..ZFS?
mode rdwr
duration 30
delay 10
setuid yes
allocuser space(1,1) cyl pathperm(755) dataclas(zfs?)
File: /etc/rc
#Start the Automount Facility