ERROR: "SARDBI11 RECORD NOT FOUND, IFBKEY= 'with specific numbers'"
Article ID: 45130
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While running SARPAC, I received the following error: *SARDBI11 RECORD NOT FOUND, IFBKEY= 'with specific numbers’. Why is this message generated?
OM View for z
Output Management View® for z/OS
The SARDBI11 message is generated because a View standard backup and SARPAC are running at the same time and these conditions are met:
The first step of the SARPAC job builds a table of reports that it is going to consolidate (ex: one report to be consolidated is Rpt XYZ).
Phase 2 of the backup cycle is responsible for expiring report(s) from the View database. (ex: one report to be expired is Rpt XYZ).
Then SARPAC performs its second function, by writing the report(s) from the table to a new tape, but SARPAC cannot find the report(s) it needs to consolidate because it was already deleted by the backup. (ex: one report that SARPAC wants to consolidate is RPT XYZ), causing the message to be generated.