Unable to re-deploy the Web Services component in Service Desk Manager via command line.
How can we perform this task manually?
CA Service Management 17.X
INVALID AHD03075:Required attribute Physical/ Virtual is missing from object Extension table for CL Assets "
Via a command prompt set appropriate environment variables first:
Note: Below assumes the default installation of Service Desk Manager done to c:\program files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager folder and Java Run Time Environment installed to C:\program files (x86)\CA\SC\JRE\1.7.0_10(note: you should check NX.env file parameter @NX_JRE_INSTALL_DIR for the JAVA_HOME value below)
set JAVA_HOME=c:\progra~2\CA\SC\JRE\1.7.0_10
cd C:\PROGRA~2\CA\SERVIC~1\sdk\websvc\R11
Below command un-deploys existing web services component:
java -cp %AXISHOME%\axis.jar;%AXISHOME%\jaxrpc.jar;%AXISHOME%\saaj.jar;%AXISHOME%\commons-logging.jar;%AXISHOME%\commons-discovery.jar;%AXISHOME%\wsdl4j.jar;%AXISHOME%\log4j-1.2.8.jar org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient undeploy.wsdd
Below command deploys the web services component:
java -cp %AXISHOME%\axis.jar;%AXISHOME%\jaxrpc.jar;%AXISHOME%\saaj.jar;%AXISHOME%\commons-logging.jar;%AXISHOME%\commons-discovery.jar;%AXISHOME%\wsdl4j.jar;%AXISHOME%\log4j-1.2.8.jar org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient deploy.wsdd
Restart SDM Tomcat now
pdm_tomcat_nxd -c stop
pdm_tomcat_nxd -c start
Verify if the web services URL is functional now: http://SDMHostname:8080/axis/services/USD_R11_WebService?wsdl
Note: This document can be re-used for later version i.e. R17.2 or 17.3 with slight adjustments for Java JRE accordingly i.e.
C:\program files (x86)\CA\SC\JRE\1.8.0_74
C:\program files (x86)\CA\SC\JRE\11.0.1