Recovery Analyzer ssid@CDC DR JCL is missing several new Db2 tablespaces for the DB2 Catalog copy process.
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Recovery Analyzer ssid@CDC DR JCL is missing several new Db2 tablespaces for the DB2 Catalog copy process.


Article ID: 4507


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Recovery Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


After upgrade of Db2 version, CA Recovery Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS (PRA) ssid@CDC DR JCL is regenerated but it was
discovered that several new DB2 Catalog tablespaces were missing such as DSNDB06.SYSTSCPY. 


Verify that the Recovery Analyzer PRA#LOAD job has been successfully following the Db2 migration where
several new Db2 catalog objects were created.

The PRA#LOAD JCL can be generated from the Database Management for Db2 for z/OS tools Post Install
Db2 catalog customization tasks option:

PRA      Setup PRA#LOAD Batch JCL