UIM - probe configuration won't save in Admin Console
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UIM - probe configuration won't save in Admin Console


Article ID: 4505


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe


When trying to save a probe configuration update in Admin Console, the request fails with this type of error:


Save failed.

Message: Remote Request Error: Remote /redacted/probe/address/ probes processing of operation set_ctd_configuration failed

Resolution: Please check both the PPM and remote probe log file for additional details.

Error Code: PPM-012


Click Retry to retry the request.

Click Reload to refresh the configuration.



This issue was found using UIM 8.2 and is applicable to most versions of UIM.


This is related to a corrupted or otherwise missing security.cfg setting.


1. Open Admin Console

2. Open 'Settings' --> 'Probe Security' (right side of the screen)

3. Set (or reset) access as 'admin' on the probe that can't save configuration

4. Close 'Probe Security' and refresh the admin console