To turn on the logging:
- Identify which MicroService is relevant here. Assuming a default install of xFlow, all of the MicroServices are stored in the C:\Program Files\CA\xFlow\APPS\Services under the following directories:
insightmicroservice-17.XXXX (suitable for any issues to do with Insight reporting)
pushmicroservice-17.XXXX (suitable for any issues to do with notifications)
searchmicroservice-17.XXXX (suitable for any issues to do with search features, including Chatbot searches)
incidentmicroservice-17.XXXX (suitable for any issues when creating a support ticket)
collabmicroservice-17.XXXX (suitable for any issues with chat features to a support technician or the chatbot)
Under each of these directories "conf" folders is a logback.xml file, which we will be using to activate the additional logging. In this case, we will utilize the incident MicroService, or incidentmicroservice-17.0.479
- From C:\Program Files\CA\xFlow\APPS\Services, access the "incidentmicroservice-17.0.479\conf" directory.
- Backup the logback.xml file, making sure to use an extension other than xml (ideally, you would want to copy this file to a separate backup location.
- Edit the logback.xml file
- change all the logger levels on below lines from INFO to DEBUG
Original lines:
<logger name="play" level="INFO" />
<logger name="application" level="INFO" />
<!-- Set logging for all Akka library classes to INFO -->
<logger name="akka" level="INFO" />
Revised lines:
<logger name="play" level="DEBUG" />
<logger name="application" level="DEBUG" />
<!-- Set logging for all Akka library classes to INFO -->
<logger name="akka" level="DEBUG" />
There is also a root level line that should also be set to DEBUG
Original line:
<root level="INFO">
Revised line:
<root level="DEBUG">
- Restart xFlow Service
- The xFlow logs are stored in: C:\Program Files\CA\xFlow\APPS\logs
Additionally, Bop_logging on domsrvr/virtdb may also be needed, and is done separately, ie, from an admin command prompt, run these two bop_logging commands:
bop_logging domsrvr -f $NX_ROOT\log\domsrvr.out -n 10 -m 20000000 ON
bop_logging bpvirtdb_srvr -f $NX_ROOT\log\bpvirtdb.out -n 10 -m 20000000 ON
The above bop_logging commands will take effect immediately. One does not need to cycle xFlow or any other Services for bop_logging to take effect.
To turn off the logging:
- Restore the logback.xml file from the backup to the appropriate MicroService Directory.
- Restart xFlow.
- If you also started the bop_logging command described above, run:
bop_logging domsrvr -f $NX_ROOT\log\domsrvr.out -n 10 -m 20000000 OFF
bop_logging bpvirtdb_srvr -f $NX_ROOT\log\bpvirtdb.out -n 10 -m 20000000 OFF