After creating new custom menu picks for Spectrum OneClick, the list of menu items when you right mouse click on a model is to long for the screen. You cannot access the menu picks at the bottom of the list.
Release: Any
There are too many menu picks in the list causing the menu picks at the bottom to become unavailable.
When creating custom menu picks, used nested menu tags to create sub-menus. This will save space on the list of menu items.
For example, I created a custom-menu-config.xml file to add Ping Local, Telnet Local and Traceroute Local menu picks from a menu called My Tools. The following is how it would typically look from the top level menu:
To create sub-menus, you need to nest menu tags in the custom-menu-config.xml file. The following is an example. Notice there are two menu tags one right after the other:
<menu name="">
<menu name="My Tools">
<item name="Ping Local">
<accelerator modifiers="2">VK_I</accelerator>
Now when I log into OneClick, I see the following from the top level menu for my menu picks. Notice under the Tools top level menu pick, I see a sub-menu for My Tools and under that, I see my three menu picks.
Now when I right mouse click on a model, I see the following. Instead of taking up three lines in the right mouse menu, it only takes up one line.
Please reference the "Customizing the OneClick Console Menu" section of the documentation for more information.