Connecting IXP to additional Workload Automation AE (AutoSys) instances.
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Connecting IXP to additional Workload Automation AE (AutoSys) instances.


Article ID: 4492


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Workload Automation Agent


We attempted to connect our IXP server to a second Workload Automation AE (AutoSys) instance.  We see jobs but we get an error that it cannot access /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/autouser.ACE/config.ACE




iXp - 11.3.5Workload Automation AE 11.3.xPlatform - Any


Excerpt from the product documentation

4.2.1 iXp Daemon iXp Daemon iXp



Configuring iXp so it can communicate with all the CA Workload Automation AE instances to be managed. 



4.3 Basic System Requirements Basic System Requirements Basic System RequirementsBasic System Requirements Basic

4.3.1 iXp Daemon iXp Daemon iXp


6) CA Workload Automation AE Full Client and configuration files for all instances of CA Workload AutomationAE that will be accessed.



In summary:

In order to properly access jobs for a Workload Automation AE (AutoSys) instance from IXP an AutoSys client for that $AUTOSERV instance must be installed on the IXP server host.


Install a Workload Automation AE client for the $AUTOSERV instance on the IXP server host.