Some of my Alarm Titles when I run an Alarm report in Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) are showing up as Unknown, although when I check in OneClick in Alarms, I can see the Alarm Titles correctly
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Some of my Alarm Titles when I run an Alarm report in Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) are showing up as Unknown, although when I check in OneClick in Alarms, I can see the Alarm Titles correctly


Article ID: 44907


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Some of my Alarm Titles when I run an Alarm report in Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) are showing up as Unknown, although when I check in OneClick in Alarms, I can see the Alarm Titles correctly.


Release: Any
Component: Spectrum Reporting


NOTE:  In the following MySql commands, replace <PASSWD> with the root password for your DX NetOps Spectrum version.

1. Verify that your CsPcause files on the OneClick server are available for the Unknown Alarm titles and verify that the pcause files do not have any other ending other than '_en_US'


2. Log into the SRM system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

3. cd to the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin directory and enter the following command to log into mysql:

./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<PASSWD> reporting;

4. Enter the following command at the mysql prompt to display the Unknown Alarm titles

select * from alarmtitle where title='unknown';

5. If some of the alarm titles are showing up as Unknown then you can continue.

If all of the alarm titles are showing up as Unknown then please reference knowledge article 18459 for more information.

6. The missing alarm titles are not present in SRM, because when SRM generates an alarm report for the first time it will “look up” the Alarm Title from the Pcause file.  If for whatever reason this lookup was not successful, the alarm title will show up as Unknown and SRM will not continue to try and look up the missing alarm title.

In order to force SRM to lookup the Alarm Titles, we must delete the Unknown Alarm Titles from the MySQL Reporting Database with this command.

delete from alarmtitle where title='unknown';


Once this has complete you can verify that these Unknown Alarm Titles were successfully removed by reissuing the original command in MySQL.

select * from alarmtitle where title='unknown';


You should not have any Unknown Alarm Titles.

The next time you run an Alarm Report in SRM, and SRM does not have an Alarm Title stored in its Reporting database, it will “lookup” the Alarm Title from the Pcause files which we have verified is ok in Step 1.