Report Facility main menu shows xxx for the Db2 subsystem SYSID value and not the Db2 subsystem name supplied in the PTIPRF CLIST
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Report Facility main menu shows xxx for the Db2 subsystem SYSID value and not the Db2 subsystem name supplied in the PTIPRF CLIST


Article ID: 44882


Updated On:


Report Facility


Made the prescribed modifications to the PTIPRF CLIST. However, the Db2 subsystem value supplied in the CLIST for the Db2
subsystem SYSID value is not propagated to the PRF main menu, instead it shows 'xxxx' for the SYSID value.


The condition of the Db2 subsystem SYSID value defaulting to 'xxx' is due to PRF's System Profile Datasets/Batch controls section having the default value of
'xxx' stated.  This is where you will want to modify the Db2 subsystem SYSID value to have it displayed correctly on the PRF main menu.