User had changed user id. How to avoid doing an override signout every time he adds an element back to Endevor?
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User had changed user id. How to avoid doing an override signout every time he adds an element back to Endevor?


Article ID: 44858


Updated On:


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench



One of our users had changed his userid and has a lot of elements checked out on his old user id. He wants to avoid overriding the signout every time he adds the element back to Endevor.  



Is there a way to avoid having to override the signout all the time?



All supported version of CA Endevor SCM



Use the SIGNIN Function.

- Go to the Foreground option menu, and then go to option 8  SIGNIN  

- On  the SIGNIN screen, set up the From Location 

- In the ACTION OPTIONS,   Override the Signout and specify the new userid in the SIGNOUT TO field

- In the LIST OPTIONS, specify BUILD USING MAP to Y and the old user id in the WHERE SIGNOUT EQ field 



 ------------------------------ SIGNIN ELEMENTS ------------------------------
 OPTION  ===>                                                                 
                                ELEMENT DISPLAY OPTIONS:                      
    blank - Element list          S - Summary   B - Browse   H - History      
    SI - Sign-in element          M - Master    C - Changes                   
 FROM LOCATION:                         ACTION OPTIONS:                       
   ENVIRONMENT ===> env                   OVERRIDE SIGNOUT ===> Y (Y/N)       
   SYSTEM      ===> system                SIGNOUT TO       ===> newusrid       
   SUBSYSTEM   ===> subsys                                                   
   ELEMENT     ===>                     LIST OPTIONS:                         
   TYPE        ===>                       DISPLAY LIST       ===> Y (Y/N)     
   STAGE       ===> 1   1 - E1S1          APPLY LIST FILTERS ===> N (Y/N)     
                        2 - E1S2          BUILD USING MAP    ===> Y (Y/N)     
                                          WHERE SIGNOUT EQ   ===> oldusrid     


- This will bring up a selection list of everything signed out to the old user id.

- Type  si next to the elements and they will get signed out to the new user id. 



Additional Information:

For more information about the Signin function, go to the CA Documentation site --- 

•  Logon using your email address and CA Support Online password
•  In the Select Product drop down box, search for Endevor and select the appropriate version
•  In the Table of Contents on the right, go to :
+ Using
+ ISPF Interface for Development Tasks 
+ Performing Development Tasks in Foreground
   >> Removing the User Signout Using the Signin Elements Action



Component: ENDBAS