Applying RO78062 PTF returns return code of '04'.
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Applying RO78062 PTF returns return code of '04'.


Article ID: 44795


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


Is a return code of '04' acceptable when applying RO78062? Where may this information be found?



Pan/SQL 2.4C (0203)


Please see page 3-22 of the CA Pan/SQL Getting Started Guide as it has this information for you: 

"Execution of this job should complete with a return code of 4. The actual linkage editor return code will be 8 because of 

unresolved external references taken care of by subsequent processing. Besides informational messages, expected messages 

from the linkage editor will be IEW2456E, IEW2454W, IEW2646W and IEW2651W." 

Please make sure to follow the embedded ++HOLD information within the PTF.