Disable Threshold Monitoring in Spectrum
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Disable Threshold Monitoring in Spectrum


Article ID: 44730


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


If using another application such as CA UIM, the Spectrum user can disable threshold monitoring so only one application collects the data.


Release: Any version of Spectrum


Here is a couple of options to disable threshold monitoring within Spectrum: 

For ALL devices, you can set the following option globally: 

On the VNM model > Information tab > SpectroServer Control - set Device Thresholds to Disabled. 

For groups of model types, you can edit the default attributes: 

1. Run the All Devices search (or a more narrow search for particular model types if you wish) 
2. Select all the models in the Results 
3. Right mouse click and select Utilities -> Attribute Editor from the menu 
4. Expand the Thresholds -> Device Thresholds folders 
5. Select the attributes to change and move to the right 
6. Uncheck the No Change check box 
7. Enter the new value(s) 
8. If you want to set the as the defaults, check the Set As Default check box 
9. Click the apply button 

The change will affect all models selected in the Results tab and since you checked the Set As Default check box, any future models created of the same type(s) will inherit the change.