Procedure to Upgrade XCOM Data Transport for Windows 11.6 SP03 to 12.0
Article ID: 44723
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XCOM Data TransportXCOM Data Transport - Windows
Read New Features for an overview of new features in this upgrade.
See Installation Prerequisites (and scroll down) to see supported Operating Systems and other requirements
For a supported release, you can use the installer to upgrade the product.
Release 11.6 SP03 and 12.0 are supported.
You can run the installer in silent mode or in GUI mode.
The installer acts as both a new installer and an upgrade installer.
If the installer does not find any installed XCOM instance on your computer, it acts as a new installer. If the installer finds an older, supported XCOM instance, it acts as an upgrade installer.
It is no longer necessary to reboot after the install.
For an unsupported release, you must perform the upgrade manually.
Releases 11.6 SP00, 11.5, and 11.0 are unsupported.
Upgrading the product manually consists of backing up files, uninstalling the unsupported release, and then installing the new release. See Upgrade from an Unsupported Release
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 11.6 SP03, 12.0
In the box that says Search by product name, Type XCOM
Click on XCOM Data Transport for Windows Family Professional
You will see two products: XCOM Data Transport for Windows Family Professional WINDOWS NT 11.6 SP03 and XCOM Data Transport for Windows Family Server 12.0
Choose 12.0
Click on the cloud icon at the far right to download it.