All users are locked out of WCC - error - e150008
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All users are locked out of WCC - error - e150008


Article ID: 44668


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


Trying to configure EEM and WCC to allow users to login but, all users are locked out of WCC - error - e150008

Workload Control Center 11.3.x, 11.4.x


In this specific client's case the ApplicationAccess policy type was missing actions: Dashboard, Monitoring and Launcher.  These actions are needed in order to be able to grant users proper access to WCC.  While it was unclear as to why the actions were missing, the resolution is to either add the actions manually to the policy type or re-register the WCC application with EEM allowing it to modify the incorrect policy type with the correct actions needed.

To manually add the actions:
Login to EEM with the application set to WCC0004
Configure -> Applications -> WCC0004 -> ApplicationAccess
And enter the missing actions via the field "Add action:
Save the Application Instance definition.
Then go to Manage Access Policies -> Policies -> ApplicationAccess
select your policy and make to to include the Launcher access as a minimum if you wish for the users to be able to login to WCC.

Other options:
Re-register WCC with EEM either via the install or safex -h EEMHostname -u Eiamadmin -p EiamAdminPassword -f UWCCRegister.xml


For details regarding migrating WCC policies from prior release see:

Or contact CA support for the EEM Policy Conversion Utility (autosec_conv)



Release: ATSYHA99000-11.3.5-Workload Automation AE-High Availability Option