How to shutdown CCITCP and prevent it from restarting?
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How to shutdown CCITCP and prevent it from restarting?


Article ID: 44653


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 We are currently running CCITCP.

We know that the ENF task automatically starts the CCITCP task when the PROTOCOL(TCPIP) statement is defined in the CCIPARM member. In addition, we know that when ENF is shutdown, the CCITCP task will also be shutdown. 

We want to make a change and NO longer run CCITCP. We want to make this change with minimal system impact. If we take CCITCP down with a STOP command (eg. P CCITCP) we believe ENF will just start it up again...

So, How can we shutdown the CCITCP task and prevent it from restarting without requiring an IPL or a recycle of the ENF address space?






It is correct that a STOP of the CCITCP task will result in ENF attempting to restart it...But if you CANCEL the CCITCP task, ENF will not try to restart it. So what you can do is update the CCIPARM member to remove (or comment) the existing PROTOCOL(CCITCP) statement, and CANCEL the CCITCP task. This should be all that is necessary. No need to recycle the ENF address space and certainly no need to IPL.

This same procedure holds true for all CCI tasks that can be managed by ENF (eg. CCISSL, CCITCPGW, CCISSLGW, CCILGR)