What is the equivalent to the IBM TSO/E REXX SYSDSN function in OPS/MVS?
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What is the equivalent to the IBM TSO/E REXX SYSDSN function in OPS/MVS?


Article ID: 44636


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


What is the  OPS/MVS function that is equivalent to the IBM TSO/E REXX SYSDSN function?



 OPS/MVS-Event Management & Automation-for JES2


The IBM TSO/E REXX SYSDSN function determines if a specified data set is available for your use. This is an example how the function could be used:

/* available could be set to "OK"  */

available = SYSDSN('my.TSO/E.REXX.exec')

If the data set is available for your use, it returns "OK".


Under OPS/MVS consider using the ADDRESS OPSDYNAM INFO command. Then evaluate the return code for a non-zero value indicating the condition where the dataset does not exist. This is another example how to use the command from your OPS/REXX program:

/* Display information about the dataset */   
Address OPSDYNAM "Info DSNAME('my.ops.rexx')"    
  If rc > 0 Then Signal DYNERROR                 
  Say "DSNAME my.ops.rexx is allocated"        
Return rc                                        

  Say Sourceline(sigl-1)                         
  Say "OPSDYNAM error RC="rc "Error code="opsercd,
      "Info code="opsifcd                        
  Do While Queued() > 0                          
  Pull errsmg                                    
  Say errmsg                                     
Return rc