The Spectrum VNM.OUT and VNM.OUT.bak file are not updating after starting the SpectroSERVER on Linux
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The Spectrum VNM.OUT and VNM.OUT.bak file are not updating after starting the SpectroSERVER on Linux


Article ID: 44608


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


 After starting the SpectroSERVER process on Linux, the VNM.OUT and VNM.OUT.bak files located in the $SPECROOT/SS directory are not updated.


Release: Any version of Spectrum running on Linux
Component: SPCCSS


Incorrect permissions/ownership of the VNM.OUT and VNM.OUT.bak files.

When the SpectroSERVER is started, the existing VNM.OUT file is copied to VNM.OUT.bak and a new VNM.OUT file is created in the $SPECROOT/SS directory. If the SpectroSERVER was started as a user other than the user that owns the Spectrum installation, the file permissions/ownership may be changed causing them to not be created the next time the SpectroSERVER is started by the user that owns the Spectrum installation.


Doing one of the following will correct the issue:

  1. Shutdown the SpectroSERVER process and then change the permissions/ownership of the VNM.OUT and VNM.OUT.bak files to the user that owns the Spectrum installation. For example, if the user that owns the Spectrum installation is "spectrum" and they are a member of the "spectrum" group, the permissions/ownership of the files would look like the following:

-rw-r--r--. 1 spectrum spectrum 1947 Jul 15 16:17 VNM.OUT

-rw-r--r--. 1 spectrum spectrum 24439 Jul 15 16:14 VNM.OUT.bak

Start the SpectroSERVER as normal.


  1. Shutdown the SpectroSERVER process and then delete the current VNM.OUT and VNM.OUT.bak files. Then start the SpectroSERVER as normal.


NOTE: Ensure the SpectroSERVER process is only started/stopped by the user that owns the Spectrum installation.