What causes Channel Detect Errors when running a BACKUP or ARCHIVE of Linear VSAM files (LDS)?
ex: IOS000I CD1C,2F,CMD,86,0E00,,5B7A0000,CMD008,@SSR7261, 221
Release: Diskā¢ Backup and Restore
The message IOS000I CD1C,2F,CMD,86,0E00 indicates:
CMD=Command reject
86=The command code of the running channel command word (CCW) when the error occurred.
0E00=The status portion of the subchannel status word (SCSW).
X'86' is a multi-track read data issued starting at cylinder/track 5B7A/0E00 and failing on cylinder/track 5B7A/0000 for device CMD008.
Using SYSPARM USEDSSIO with or including LDS will resolve the issue.