CA Datacom Server mainframe fails to start with "DSV00119E - bind failed. errno = 1115, EDC8115I Address already in use." error message
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CA Datacom Server mainframe fails to start with "DSV00119E - bind failed. errno = 1115, EDC8115I Address already in use." error message


Article ID: 44552


Updated On:


Datacom DATACOM - AD



CA Datacom Server mainframe startup failed with errors:

DSV00119E - TCP/IP startup time limit exceeded
DSV00119E - bind failed. errno = 1115, EDC8115I Address already in use.                                                              
DSV00120E - TCP/IP startup failed see DSV00119E for cause


Datacom Server running on z/OS and using TCP/IP (PROTOCOL=BOTH or PROTOCOL=TCPIP)


The TCP port specified in TCPIP_PORT SYSIN parameter is already used by another task.


TCPIP_PORT must specify an unused port. Use TSO NETSTAT command to determine which task is using the selected port or to find an unused one.


If the command NETSTAT CONN (PORT 1234 returns the following:
MVS TCP/IP NETSTAT CS V2R2       TCPIP Name: TCPIP          08:30:14
User Id  Conn     State                                             
-------  ----     -----                                             
then the port 1234 is currently unused.

If it returns:
MVS TCP/IP NETSTAT CS V2R2       TCPIP Name: TCPIP          08:34:32
User Id  Conn     State                                            
-------  ----     -----                                            
SAMPLJOB 001A805F Listen                                           
  Local Socket:   ::ffff:nnn.nnn.nn.nn..1234                       
  Foreign Socket: ::ffff:                                 
then the port is currently used by job/STC SAMPLJOB


Additional Information:


The NETSTAT command (with its parameters) can be issued from CA Sysview using XTSO command (e.g.  XTSO NETSTAT PORTLIST or XTSO NETSTAT CONN (PORT 1234 ) or via menus (MENU NETWORK then MENU NETSTAT). Running the command via CA Sysview is useful when the command returns a long list, such as a list of ports (NETSTAT CONN or NETSTAT ALLCONN), as CA Sysview produces a list that can be scrolled up and down and can be searched for specific strings (e.g. the port number), while the list produced by the native TSO command cannot.


Release: DATABB00200-15-Datacom/AD