Attempts to validate a new Workload Automation AE server defined to Workload Control Center (WCC) fails with
Error: E190099 ACE - Connection exception encountered. CAUAJM_E_00064 Return code 5 received processing request..
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Often WCC validation issues stem from the agent's inability to authenticate the monitor id.
Sample spool directory location: /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/SystemAgent/WA_AGENT/spool/ACE_APP_host1/MAIN/WAAE_WF0.1
As a test run the chkusr command as seen in the files in the spool directory which show the failure.
Another reason is to ensure if autosys is setup with EEM security, then WCC's autosys configuration should have the EEM Enabled option ON. If autosys is setup with native security, EEM Enabled option should be turned off. Save and re-validate again in WCC.
For more details on the agentparm.txt file, refer to the CA Workload Automation Agent for UNIX, Linux, or Windows Implementation Guide.