Workload Automation AE
The encountered problem is related to the user who is trying to delete and recreate the job Not being the owner of the job.
The solution is to configure the Administrator user who needs to maintain all the jobs as a SuperEdit User in autosys_secure by using the following steps :
$ autosys_secure < =====
CA WAAE Security Utility
Please select from the following options:
[1] Activate CA EEM instance security.
[2] Manage EDIT/EXEC superusers. < =====
[3] Change database password.
[4] Change remote authentication method.
[5] Manage user@host or user@domain users.
[6] Get encrypted password.
[0] Exit CA WAAE Security Utility.
> 2
Manage EDIT/EXEC superusers
Please select from the following options:
[1] Create an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[2] Modify an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[3] Delete an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[4] Show all EDIT/EXEC superusers. < =====
[9] Exit from "Manage EDIT/EXEC superusers" menu.
[0] Exit CA WAAE Security Utility.
> 4
CAUAJM_I_60205 Listing all CA WAAE EDIT superusers:
CAUAJM_I_60205 Listing all CA WAAE EXEC superusers:
Please select from the following options:
[1] Create an EDIT/EXEC superuser. < =====
[2] Modify an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[3] Delete an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[4] Show all EDIT/EXEC superusers.
[9] Exit from "Manage EDIT/EXEC superusers" menu.
[0] Exit CA WAAE Security Utility.
> 1
CAUAJM_I_60207 Create an EDIT superuser: < =====
Input the user name (or hit enter to cancel): root
Enter user host or domain (or hit enter if no host):
CAUAJM_I_60069 User successfully added.
CAUAJM_I_60207 Create an EXEC superuser:
Input the user name (or hit enter to cancel): root
Enter user host or domain (or hit enter if no host):
CAUAJM_I_60069 User successfully added.
In the above example we first verified the users who are already defined as superuser.
Then we added the "root" user as a Superuser.
You can add several users as "Super Edit User" and / or "Super Exec User" in autosys_secure as required.