Is it possible to allow the use of a single RUNPARM across several LPARS utilizing the IF statement in the RUNPARM of GSS?
Jobtrac 11.0
The GSS RUNPARM does not have direct support for IF statements like:
INCLUDE INSIGHTA // Include ADDRESS for CA-Insight for DB2
INCLUDE INSIGHTB // Include ADDRESS for CA-Insight for DB2
However the following method could be used:
INCLUDE &SYSNAME.INS // Include ADDRESS for CA-Insight for DB2
The “SYMBOLS ON" is place near the start of the RUNPARM so that it is active for the rest of the processing. The “SYMBOLS ON” statement allows the use of the IBM system symbols. The IBM “DISPLAY SYMBOLS” console command can be used to see the symbols and their values on the system where it is executed.