Why does the dataset concatenation function 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 have two PARMLIBs?
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Why does the dataset concatenation function 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 have two PARMLIBs?


Article ID: 44404


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Auditor for z/OS


Could you tell why there are two PARMLIBs dataset concatenation functions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2?



Component: EXAMIN


The following describes in detail the Auditor - PARMLIB INFORMATION 2.1.1 Map and 2.1.2 Status functions. This information comes from the Auditor Online Help panels.


2.1.1: 1  MAP         -  Display IPL tree structure

The Parmlib IPL Map Display is designed to:                              

  •    show you explicit and implicit Parmlib member references             
  •    identify unknown, unreferenced, and improper members                
  •    tell you the purpose of each recognizable member                    

 Except for certain members used for performance tuning, z/OS only reads Parmlib during Initial Program Load (IPL).  Parmlib contains a master general member named IEASYS00 and may have alternate general members  named IEASYSxx, where xx is any two character suffix.  General members contain both parameters and references to specialized members.  The specialized members are used to name APF and Linklist libraries, SMF options, I/O appendages, etc.  The computer operators may be allowed to specify alternate general members during IPL, thus activating different specialized members and therefore different options.  

The Map function will clarify this complex structure for you as well as identifying improper, unreferenced, or unrecognized members of Parmlib.   This display requires read access to Parmlib as well as to each of the libraries which comprise the logical Parmlib concatenation (if used).    


2.2.2: 2  STATUS      -  Identify library contents and detect changes  

The PARMLIB Member Status Display will:                                     


  •    explain the function of members in the z/OS Parameter Library          
  •    detect changes made to members of this critical library                
  •    allow you to display the contents of each Parameter library member.    

The z/OS system parameter library is used for APF authorized library specification, SMF options, system linklist specification, z/OS UNIX specifications, and a number of other critical functions.         

 This display is designed to help you detect changes to this important system library by calculating a sophisticated type of hash total on the library's contents each time an Auditor user  requests the display.  Any changes found by you or other Auditor users will  be shown.  This display requires read access to SYS1.PARMLIB as well as to each of the libraries which comprise the logical Parmlib concatenation (if used).