There are ACF2 rules for a resource that was in extended format but that rule was not used; a $KEY masked rule was used instead. Why?
If the resource name being validated is 40 characters or fewer, CA ACF2 first searches for the generalized resource rule whose $KEY value most specifically matches the full resource name of the resource being validated. When CA ACF2 finds a rule that matches (directly or with masking) the full resource name, it uses that rule for the validation. When no generalized resource rule key matches the full resource name and the resource name is a qualified resource name, CA ACF2 searches for the resource rule whose $KEY most specifically matches the first qualifier of the resource name. When it finds a rule that matches (directly or with masking) the first qualifier, it uses that rule for the validation. See the following example.
Resource name: TEST.TESTNAME2
Sample resource rules:
$KEY(**************) TYPE(ttt) full key match
$KEY(TEST) TYPE(ttt) qualifier match
ACF2 Resource Validation Process:
Example 1 Resource being validated: TEST.RESOURCE
Example 2 Resource being validated: TEST.RESOURCE.LEN19
Note: If you use a fully masked resource rule $KEY value as a catch-all rule, and you also use resource rules with qualifier $KEY values, remember that CA ACF2 searches first for the generalized resource rule whose $KEY value matches the full resource name of the resource being validated. If CA ACF2 finds a rule that matches (directly or with masking) the full resource name, it uses that rule for the validation and does not search for a match using the first qualifier of the resource name. In the previous example, if both resource rules exist, CA ACF2 will find and use the fully masked resource rule with $KEY(**************), and will not use the resource rule with the qualifier $KEY(TEST).