How do I disable agent from running intellisigs scans ?
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How do I disable agent from running intellisigs scans ?


Article ID: 44362


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CA Client Automation


   Client Automation created Intellisigs which are signatures that are used to find multiple version and possibly multiple software,

   without having to create a signature for each version or software.   

  For Example there is an intellisig that finds all different Internet Browsers and Version of those Browsers. 


   How do I disable agent from running intellisigs scans ?  



Client Automation - All Versions 


   Some users don't do software reports using Intellisigs and for that reason, don't want to collect software

   based on those Intellisigs.  Here are the instructions for doing that. 


  1.  In the DSM Explorer GUI
  2.  Go to Software > Definitions > Intellisigs
  3.  Highlight All the Intellsigs on the Right-Hand side
  4.  Right-click and select Disable Scan

This will stop agents from collecting software based on Intellisigs signatures and it will also hide any Software Titles already found.   


Before Disabling the Scan                                                 

After Disabling the Scan