While performing a FG ADD of a Natural object in CA Endevor SCM Integration for the Natural Environment (EINE), it is failing with a RC12 - NATLOAD=RC08 and the listing contains the following Natural error:
NAT3048 Error during Open processing. DB/Subcode 9/8 -
NAT9988 Invalid system file information.
Release: 18.0 18.1
Component: Endevor Integration for the Natural Environment (EINE / SCMMNI)
Natural NAT3048 :
Error during Open processing. DB/Subcode :1:/:2:.
Subcode 8 :
The user ID specified in the open (OP) command is already in use by another user.
For Natural Security sites, two different Natural Security logon IDs are required:
It is critical that the processors use a different ETID from the server, because they are accessing Natural libraries from the server job at the same time.