How to code parameters TCPTPORT=xxxx and QRYPORT(xxxx) when setting up the CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Web Client.
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How to code parameters TCPTPORT=xxxx and QRYPORT(xxxx) when setting up the CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Web Client.


Article ID: 44286


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CA 7 Workload Automation


How to code parameters TCPTPORT=xxxx and QRYPORT(xxxx) when setting up the CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Web Client.

CA 7 Web Client is a WEB interface for CA 7 on Windows, Linux, or USS.



Release: 12.1
Component: 7


When setting up the CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Web Client make sure that the parameter TCPTPORT=xxxx  in the CA 7 init deck, which is the port for the CA 7 TCPIP interface does not have the same port number as the JFM parameter  QRYPORT(xxxx), this is the JFM listening port. 

These cannot be the same. CA 7 and JFM both must have a unique port to listen on and they must be a 4 digit port. If they are defined with the same 4 digit ports you could receive TIMEOUT errors in the CA7ONL and Web Client.

CA 7 listening port needs to be unique from the JFM listening port. When using  CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Web Client recommend with starting CA 7 first and then start JFM.