"No event format file exists" seen in the Spectrum OneClick Events tab
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"No event format file exists" seen in the Spectrum OneClick Events tab


Article ID: 44281


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


The following is seen in the Events tab of the OneClick console:

Severity Created On Name Event Event Type
  Dec 17, 2019 9:26:44 AM EST Sim15089:Switch An event occurred for model 'Sim15089:Switch' of type 'HubCat29xx' for which no event format file exists. 0xffffffff


Release: Any version of DX NetOps Spectrum
Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms


As the event states, Spectrum cannot find an Event Format file for the event specified. In the above example, the event is 0xffffffff.

This is most commonly seen when creating custom events in the Event Configuration editor and there are multiple OneClick servers in the Spectrum environment.

When the event is created and saved in the OneClick Event Configuration editor, a copy of the Event Format file will be placed in the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory on the OneClick system where the OneClick console is launched. However, if there are other OneClick and Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) systems in the Spectrum environment, this event will NOT be copied to the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory on those systems.


Copy the associated Event Format file from the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory of thje OneClick server in the environment that you use to create the events from Event Configuration Manager to the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory on the server missing the file. Then update the event configuration in OneClick:

1. Log into the OneClick web pages as an ADMIN user

2. Click on the Administration link

3. Click on the Update Event and Alarm Files link

4. Click on the Reload button

Then log out of the OneClick console and log back in.

Additional Information

This message can also be seen on a Spectrum system running an AlarmNotifier process. As in the OneClick system, copy the associated Event Format file from the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory of the OneClick server in the environment to the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory on the server missing the file.


It is a good practice to manager your events from a dedicated OneClick server only in order to reduce the risk for lost events during synchronization from copying the events from other OneClick servers.