ESI doesn't work for package actions with PKGSEC=MIGRATE.
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ESI doesn't work for package actions with PKGSEC=MIGRATE.


Article ID: 44231


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Attempting to switch package security to be driven by the Endevor External security package; the PKGSEC parm has been set to Migrate but it does not seem to be working and the ESI is not showing anything.


Component: ENDBAS


The PKGSEC parm has three options:

Approver:  This will restrict package actions post cast to those defined with the attached approver group.

ESI: This will restrict package actions post cast to those defined by the in-house security package (ACF2, Top SECRET or RACF0)

Migrate: This is used when a site is in transition between using Approver and ESI security.

With Migrate both are checked, but the most important fact to remember is that APPROVER rules over ESI.  
If a user is granted access via APPROVER, ESI is not called. 
ESI will only be called if the user attempting the action is not a member of any attached approver group to the package.