How to Add a Disclaimer to iDash Login Page
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How to Add a Disclaimer to iDash Login Page


Article ID: 44219


Updated On:


iDash Workload Automation


The ability to add client-site specific text to the product login page can be advantageous for various reasons, such as legal disclaimer, server details, etc.  How can I add a corporate legal disclaimer on the iDash login page?




Release: WKLAID99000-12-Workload Automation-iDash


  1. On the iDash server, navigate to <IDASH_HOME>/tomcat8/webapps/idash/ui/login/
  2. Copy the file named index.html outside of this location then open the original file for modification.
  3. Search for the following section:

     <!-- Add your site or application content here -->

     <div id="outer" class="page-centered-outer" ng-view="">


  1. Place text after the closing tag.

Additional Information

  1. An assumption is made that the URL used is idash-server:port/idash/ui/login/#/
  2. Using this specific location the inserted text will appear at the lower-left of the iDash login page.