Failed to create Token Error (Unexpected response from State Manager)
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Failed to create Token Error (Unexpected response from State Manager)


Article ID: 44214


Updated On:


CA Advanced Authentication CA Risk Authentication CA Strong Authentication


While performing Risk Based Authentication flow, we are observing the following errors in the shim log. 

Tue Jun 07 10:57:42.853 2016 INFO: pid 2508 tid 8552: 0 Connected to State Manager 
Tue Jun 07 10:57:47.861 2016 ERROR: pid 2508 tid 8552: 0 Unexpected response from State Manager, code: [0] 
Tue Jun 07 10:57:47.861 2016 ERROR: pid 2508 tid 8552: 0 Failed to create Token 
Tue Jun 07 10:57:47.861 2016 LOW: pid 2508 tid 8552: 0 End ShimController::createToken 
Tue Jun 07 10:57:47.861 2016 ERROR: pid 2508 tid 8552: 0 [706021001]: Failed to create token, redirecting to https://<host>/AdvAuth/shimerror.fcc 



Release: 9.1
Component: AuthMinder( Arcot WebFort)

RiskMinder(Arcot RiskFort)


From the log it is evident that the Adapter SHIM component is not able to connect to the State Manager and that is causing the behavior.


Please follow the below steps to fix the issue.

  1. Open the adaptershim.ini file in ARCOT_HOME/conf folder in SiteMinder box and go the active section, active section is the one which is containing all the information about the profile.
  2. Change the value of ArcotSMResponsewait time to 30 seconds.
  3. Change the ArcotSMRetries to 3 
  4. Restart the SiteMinder server or OOTB there is a 5 minute reload window to load the changes made in the adaptershim.ini file so wait for 5 minutes before doing any test.

Other reason that this issue may happen is because the SHIM DLL/.so file is not the correct one loaded by the Policy server. Please see below document link and look for "Deploying Authentication Shim for 64 bit"