Should I use the Internal Derby Database with CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1?
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Should I use the Internal Derby Database with CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1?


Article ID: 44206


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


When running the ConfigTool after the install, you will be asked to choose between using the internal Derby database or an external database. The database size used by Web Viewer is small, so from the point of performance it is really no reason to prefer one or other database.



Release: -Output Management Web Viewer 12.1

Component: WBVLUW

MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle Database


We recommend performing the test installation with the internal Derby database (because it is easier). We recommend using the external database for production due to following reasons: 

1) If you undeploy Web Viewer with Tomcat or Websphere, or if you uninstall Web Viewer temporarily, the internal database is deleted during this process. So you have to remember you should back up the database folder or export your repositories, users, preferences etc. before undeploying or uninstallation, otherwise you have to define them manually after you deploy or install Web Viewer again.  The external database would remain in these instances.

2) The internal Derby database can not be used when you scale your Web Viewer installation to run on additional application servers (e.g. when you have a lot of users or when you have users in long-distance regions). In that case you have to use an external database or to guarantee mirroring of internal databases on all Web Viewer servers. 

3) You cannot turn off the database error messages that are displayed when bringing up WebViewer when you have internal Derby.

Additional Information

Please view the Web Viewer Compatibility Supportability Matrix for supported versions of the databases.  You will need to log in to view it.