In CA 7, why am I getting the message "UNABLE TO ATTACH JCL" ?
The CA 7 browse file shows message SATO-38 JOB jobname (ca7#) NOT ENTERED INTO REQUEST 'Q'. 00005C1C JCL".
The code 005C indicates dynamic allocation for the JCL data set failed and the job will be put into RETRY status if you have a RETRY=nn on the SCHEDULE statement in the initialization file. The nn represents how many minutes between automatic retries to attach the JCL. Dynamic allocation errors occur if another process or user has the JCL data set exclusive (DISP=OLD) when CA 7 is attempting to attach the JCL.
If you do not have RETRY on the SCHEDULE statement (or RETRY=00) then the job will go into SKELETON status and will have to be cancelled and DEMANDed in when the JCL data set is available.